HealthYFOOD Diet Analysis Software
If you are looking for a free, healthy weight loss meal replacement shake you will want to try HealthYFOOD. HealthYFOOD meal replacement shakes are designed to be convenient and nutritious. I found that I really enjoyed the shake each time I made it.
Healthful Foods Oven is based on the scientifically researched concept that whole foods should be eaten as part of a healthy and balanced diet. You decide what foods go into your Healthyfoodsovenrigerator each day. You have the freedom to choose what vegetables and fruits you include in your Healthyfoods meal replacement option. You can change your favorite Healthyfood choice any time you please. Your new healthy food selected is shown in the Nutrition section of your online MyVitals profile.
The HealthYFOOD nutritionists used the Glycemic Index (GI) to determine the serving size of many of their favorite healthy foods. The index is named after Dr. Michael Grisso, an associate professor at Stanford University School of Medicine. According to the GI the carbohydrate content of foods that are rated high or low passes a constant mathematical test determined by your body’s metabolism of glucose. Foods that have low glycemic index values help keep your blood glucose level stable throughout the day which helps prevent fluctuations.
To help with the design of the healthy food program, HealthYFOOD developed a panel of over 250 healthy foods that vary in texture and ingredients. The foods are broken down into categories such as poultry, fish, legumes, vegetables, dairy products, fruits, seeds and oils. Healthys Foods with the most health value are presented on the Healthys Home Page. A user is also able to create a customized healthy eating plan with the suggested dietary behaviors for him or her. The user can then monitor their progress via the Weight Status Indicator which helps to chart weight changes as they make changes to their diet and exercise routines.
HealthYFOOD also has two individual fixed-effects models which allow dieters to select the diet that meets their needs and is recommended for them by a medical doctor. These individual fixed effects models use different forms of statistical analysis such as chi square, logistic, binomial, and maximum likelihood estimation. These methods are designed to calculate the probability that a given response variable will be observed in a population. The selected models take into account the relationship between diet and individual responses to dietary variables such as appetite, taste, emotional sensitivity, physical symptoms and other psychological responses to foods. This information is then categorized and mathematically analyzed within HealthYFOOD to identify the factors that affect individual responses to healthy foods.
A chi square or logistic regression model is used to estimate the effect of change in diet from one category to another over time on BMI or other outcome variable. Both these models are significant when predicting change in BMI over a period of time; however, chi squares tend to give higher estimates than random-effects logistic regressions. Both models then are useful in providing estimates of effect of changes in diet on BMI.