Fitness and Bioelectrical Imbalance

Fitness refers to the ability to do physical activities and tasks and, more importantly, a state of well-being and health. It is the combination of being healthy and having the energy to keep pushing oneself forward. The concept of fitness has gained a lot of importance over the last few years as the incidence of age-related illnesses and diseases are rising alarmingly. It is therefore imperative that people lead healthy lives and indulge in exercises to maintain good fitness levels.


Fitness primarily refers to an organism’s ability to sustain and produce muscular power, endurance and speed. Muscle is defined as the part of the body where muscular fibers are located. Muscular endurance is the capacity to sustain muscular activity for a long period of time. Power, on the other hand, is the capacity to exert a maximal force against an opposing force. In terms of the body composition, muscular power and endurance are the dominant components that define healthy and unhealthy individuals.

Muscular power refers to the ability of the muscles to exert against the opposition; it is measured as the maximum weight that can be lifted by the said muscles during standing or lying down position. Muscle strength also refers to the ability of the muscles to be stretched and lengthened. Core exercises are those that train the muscles of the abdomen, pelvis, spine and abs; these include exercises like crunches, sit-ups, leg extensions, lunges, and chest presses. These exercises are believed to promote the efficient movement of the limbs and organs. They are also effective in building stamina, improving posture, increasing strength and toning muscles.

Mental fitness, on the other hand, is the ability of an individual to perform daily tasks with a high level of concentration, clarity, and a positive attitude. It is an important factor in maintaining good health since it helps people cope with negative feelings. Having high mental fitness also enables people to set and achieve goals. These are some of the common benefits of having a good fitness routine.

Besides, fitness routines provide a healthy lifestyle and proper weight management. It is important to consider that an effective and regular fitness regime not only boosts the heart rate and increases the metabolic rate but also keeps the body healthy and tension-free. For instance, vigorous stretching before and after workouts to help tone up muscles and burn fat faster. Therefore, fitness training should include stretching exercises in the workout schedule.

It has been scientifically proven that fitness training produces numerous positive effects in an individual’s life span. One of them is boosting the bioelectric charge of the human body through proper nutrition and regular exercise. This leads to superior cellular functioning that leads to good health, performance and even resistance to diseases. However, no fitness regime is worth performing if one does not consider these factors especially if he/she does not have the right knowledge on how to increase his/her bioelectric charge. This is why, it is highly recommended to consider these bioelectric resistivity values when planning to buy, rent or perform exercise routines.