Fitness and Physical Activity


Fitness and Physical Activity

FITNESS, is an important concept to many people. Fitness refers to both your body and mind. It is also related to how you feel about yourself. A person’s level of fitness can be influenced by many factors including genetics, age, gender and current health status. Fitness has a number of different aspects, which include the physiological aspects, such as heart and lung capacity, muscle strength, bone mineral density, muscle tone and size, flexibility, muscular endurance, muscle strength, muscular endurance, and body composition.

Physical fitness is a condition of well-being and health and, more importantly, the ability to do various parts of daily activities, including sports and occupations, without undue fatigue. The physiological aspect of fitness pertains to how your body functions in relation to your metabolic needs. It is measured through your resting metabolic rate, resting heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory quotient (RQ) and body composition. Proper nutrition, adequate rest and adequate exercise are key components of a healthy lifestyle. Generally, physical fitness is achieved through moderate-to-vigorous exercise, proper nutrition, consuming enough calories for maintenance and through sufficient consumption of complex carbohydrates and protein.

Muscular endurance refers to the ability of the muscles to be maintained under normal activity. During weight training, muscle fibers are torn and repaired through microtrauma. However, after this repair process is complete, muscle strength is restored through concentric contraction. Thus, muscle strength training provides only so much benefit and typically results in minimal muscle gain. This is because muscular endurance is largely dependent on calorie intake, which is limited during weight training.

Body composition describes the ratio of total body fat to total muscle and water. When a person has a high body composition, it indicates that they have a high percentage of body fat. Conversely, when a person has a low body composition, it indicates that they have a high percentage of muscle. This is because lean muscles are easier to maintain than fat tissues. Therefore, people who have a high body composition are considered to be in good overall physical fitness.

Physical fitness are two separate concepts that are often used interchangeably. While physical activity is an important part of overall fitness, it is not the primary indicator of an individual’s level of fitness. Therefore, the terms “physical fitness” and “fitness” can be used to refer to different things. Most health and fitness experts recommend including both types of factors in a balanced approach to achieving health and fitness goals. They may use different metrics to achieve this goal, but the bottom line is that all components of a balanced approach have to be included for optimal fitness.

Core exercises are used to isolate and improve specific body parts, such as the abs, thighs, hips, back, and shoulders. Core exercises are considered the foundation of athletic training, because they help develop athletic ability, balance, and strength. To attain fitness and physical conditioning, it is important to include routine core exercises in your workout regimen. They will provide you with greater benefits than any other exercise.